Joint Board
The Deacon Board

Biblical Foundation Acts 6:3-6
The mission of the Deacon Board is one of service to the church. The deacons are dedicated to faithfully execute the duties assigned to the by the pastor. Those duties include preparation of the Lord’s Supper, preparing candidates for baptism, offering spiritual support and mentoring. The Deacon Board works with and provides assistance to all ministries as needed. As deacons we have a sincere love and appreciation for our pastor, obedience to the Word of God and fervent prayer. We are the spiritual arm of the church.
The Trustee Board

The St. Paul Baptist Church Trustee Board is an official ministry composed of spiritually driven stewards dedicated to overseeing the physical aspects of the church as it relates to the finances, property, and building maintenance. We seek to ensure that the church is well maintained and safe for all who enter to worship.